Draw for May 11, 2016

Draw May 11, 2016
Draw May 11, 2016: Active Influence – Gunnlod/Two of Cups; Rune—Hagalaz; Hiidden Influence – Jord/Queen of Coins.
It’s good to be wanted—depending on who wants you, and why. Odin woos Gunnlod, not because He wants her as herself, but because He wants the Mead of Poetry, and she is the way to get it. If someone pursues you today, you need to dig to find their true motivations. Pretty words are all well and good, but you need to find the truth behind them. Just because someone desires you does not mean that they value you. A bad deal is not better than no deal at all; if you must agree to a bad deal, do so with full awareness, and have a Plan B for cleaning up the ensuing mess.
And if you are the pursuer, the object of your attentions is likely on to your real plan. You are not as smart as you think you are, and they are not as gullible as you wish them to be.
Jord reminds you that you, just as you are right now, are enough—smart enough, good enough, strong enough, enough whatever you need to be today to deal with the situation.
Hagalaz brings the unexpected, whether for better or worse. Maybe you find a $20 bill on the sidewalk, and can treat yourself to a nice something. Maybe a coworker tries to sabotage your project, and your boss is siding with them. Whatever Hagalaz brings, Jord is there with you, providing you the energy and insight to manage the situation.
You can deal with it, whatever it is, and deal with it from a place of strength.