Bindrune for Ease of Travel or Moving House
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune.
When I was growing up, my family moved frequently. No, really. We once lived in a house only two weeks, because my dad found another that he liked even better than the one we had just moved into. I have no idea how my mom managed with all of it–a house full of antiques, three kids, a dog or two, and various numbers of guinea pigs, hamsters, and sometimes a cat and/or a rabbit.
I haven’t moved house many times this century, but I have been traveling for work a great deal the past five years. Frequently. As in, I’m away more than I’m home most of the months of the year.
So, I created two variations on a bindrune to make these things easier.

Ease of Travel or Moving House, Variation #1: Ehwaz, Mannaz, Raido

Ease of Travel or Moving House, Variation #2: Ehwaz, Mannaz, Raido
The bindrunes use the same three runes, just in a different arrangement. Variation #1 has Ehwaz (horse) and Raido (movement) supporting Mannaz (self), and Variation #2 has Ehwaz (horse) supporting Mannaz (self) while Raido (movement) pulls the energies forward.
Ehwaz (the tile on the left, and the rune in brown in the drawings): Ehwaz symbolizes the horse, and the energies of riding. This calls in the sure-footed, sturdy steed on which you may journey swiftly and safely, whether that’s an automobile, a moving truck, or a 747. Visualize the vehicle as strong and sound, carrying you and your goods safely to your destination.
Mannaz (the center tile, and the rune in blue in the drawings): This is the Self. This is you on your journey, whole. contained, and complete. Calm and centered, you are prepared for your expedition, whether it is across town or around the globe.
Raido (the right tile, and the rune in red in the drawings): The rune of journeys and travel, representing both the ride and the road upon which you ride. This energy can be wild, so Mannaz helps channel it in the direction you want to go. Raido embodies the idea of efficient travel, on-time departures and arrivals, and arriving in good time and good spirits.
The bindrunes on the left in each photo were done in colored pencil. The ones on the right were done with fine point calligraphy markers. They are shown in two different media to give an idea of how the same bind rune looks different depending on how it is created.
You could also put a drop of cinnamon or clove oil to add some fiery energy to further move things along, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You could also use a conjure oil, such as Protection or Open Road, to bring in additional positive energies.
Pack up and head out!