Bindrune for Defense
If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune.

Bindrune for Defense, Two Variations
We all have times we need to strengthen our defenses. Whether it’s confronting a devious coworker, a deceitful acquaintance, or a two-timing lover, we need some extra energetic protection to help us move through a situation and move on.
The top variant of this bindrune combines Isa, Thurisaz, and Algiz. The second variation uses Isa, Thurisaz, and Teiwaz. Try them both in practice situations, and see which one works better for your energies to carry into the real event.
Isa (second tile from right, drawn in blue in the bindrunes): Isa is the reflective and protective powers of ice. Whatever energy comes at you is reflected right back to its source, slipping up the other person and causing them to lose their intellectual and emotional footing, and leaving you untouched.
Algiz (second tile from left, drawn in brown in the bindrunes): Algiz is the safe space created by the protective power of the elk’s horns. Imagine yourself held safely in that area, enclosed and encircled by that massive, earthy energy. Algiz can also represent the razor-sharp leaves of the sedge plant, which draw blood if grasped with a bare hand. With the elk behind you and the sedge in front of you, you are well and truly protected.
Thurisaz (far right tile, drawn in red in the bindrunes): Thurisaz is the prickly thorn hedge, the dense bramble and sharp briar, the barrier that cannot be breached without significant damage to the attacker. So you find yourself in a circle of ice, which backs onto a thorn hedge, with an additional barrier of sedge right in front of you, and an elk at your back.
If you use the second variant, which sets Teiwaz in place of Algiz, you draw on the strength of Tyr, the God of righteous battle and justice. Thus, you are in a circle of unwalkable ice, which backs onto a thorn hedge, with Tyr at your back.
Note that if you call on Tyr, you are asserting yourself as being in the right and your cause as just. Be certain you are, or this may not work exactly as you want it to. And this bindrune will absolutely not work to give you strength and protection if you are trying to engage in unjust or unethical behavior.
You could also put a drop of sage oil to clear away negative energies, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil like Protection Oil, or other type of specially prepared oil.
Be firm and resolute, and be confident in your strength.